Title Page Evolution of the “Modernization” Definition In Modern China


  • A E Serikkaliyeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        45 41


Modernization, China, conception, ideology, Chinese Communist Party,


Chinese model of modernization was analyzed at the large number of papers, but Chinese conception and understanding of this term seems different from the global or international representation. In this article several definitions of the “modernization” term are considered. Also, classical, European and Chinese understanding of the modernization conception are compared.


1 1. Xiaoping Deng. Osnovniye voprosi sovremennogo Kitaya. – M., Izdatelstvo politisheskoi literaturi, 1988. – S.24.
2 2. How many civilizations? (S. Lamanskii, Shpengler, Toinbi under XXI globus.) // Pro et contra. 2000. Ch. 5. № 3, P. 191.
3 3. Modernization and Russia at the XXI c. // ВФ. 1993. № 7. – С. 42.
4 4. Eisenstadt S.N. Modernization: Protest and Change. Englewood Cliffs, 1966. – P. 1.
5 5. 社会科学研究 (Social Science Research). 1999. – № 1. – P. 28.
6 6. 新华文摘 (Xinhua Digest). 1992. № 10. – Р. 11.
7 7. 科学社会主义 (Scientific Socialism). 1993. № 3. – P. 66, 71.


How to Cite

Serikkaliyeva, A. E. (2016). Title Page Evolution of the “Modernization” Definition In Modern China. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from https://jhumansoc-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eurasian/article/view/10