Information For Authors
Journal accepts and publishes articles only in English.
Submissions to the "Farabi Journal of Social Sciences" are made using Open Journal System, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access are available at Submission.
The article is submitted in electronic format (in the formats .doc, .docx, .rtf) only by downloading it through the functionality of the journal's website (Open Journal System).
The author for correspondence is obliged to provide a cover letter for publication in the journal.
Please prepare your manuscript before submission, using the following guidelines (You can use the TEMPLATE for preparing your manuscript):
- Format. The article is submitted in electronic format (in the formats .doc, .docx, .rtf) only by downloading it through the functionality of the journal's website (Open Journal System or Editorial Manager). Kegel font - 12 (abstract, key words, literature - 10, text of tables - 9-11), font - Times New Roman, alignment - width of the text, spacing - single, indented margin - 0,8 cm, margins: upper and the bottom - 2 cm, the left and the right - 2 cm.
- Article Length. The volume of the article (not including the title, information about authors, annotation, keywords, bibliographic list) should be at least 3,000 words and not exceed 7,000 words.
- IRSTI. In exceptional cases UDC, alignment - left, font - bold.
- Article Title. The optimal length of the title is 5-7 words (in some cases 10-12 words). The title of the article is shown in bold in lower case, alignment - in the center.
- Author details. Author(s) of the article - Initials and surname, place of work (affiliation), city, country, email. Information about authors is represented in ordinary type in lowercase letters, alignment in the center.
- Structured Abstract. The maximum length of your abstract should be 250 words in total, including keywords in English. The structure of the abstract includes the following obligatory items:
- Purpose;
- Design/methodology/approach;
- Findings;
- Originality.
- Keywords. Key words/word combinations are 3-5 words.
- Figures and Drawings. Tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. are presented directly in the text with the indication of the numbering and title (For example, Figure 1 - Picture name). The number of figures, tables, graphs and diagrams should not exceed 20% of the total volume of the article (in some cases up to 30%).
- Introduction. The introduction consists of the following main elements: justification of the choice of topic; the urgency of the topic or problem. In substantiating the choice of the topic based on the description of the experience of predecessors, there is a report on the existence of a problem situation (the absence of any studies, the appearance of a new object, etc.). The relevance of the topic is determined by the general interest in the study of this object, but by the absence of exhaustive answers to existing questions, it is proved by the theoretical or practical significance of the topic. The definition of an object, an object, goals, tasks, methods, approaches, hypotheses and the meaning of your work. The purpose of the study is related to the proof of the thesis, that is, the presentation of the subject of research in the author's chosen aspect.
- Literature review. In the literature review section - the fundamental and new works on the topic of foreign authors in English should be covered (at least 15 works), the analysis of the given works in terms of their scientific contribution, as well as the research gaps that you complete in his article.
- Material and Methods. Material and Methods - should consist of a description of the materials and progress of work, and a complete description of the methods used. The characteristic or description of the research material includes its presentation in qualitative and quantitative terms. The characteristic of the material is one of the factors determining the reliability of the conclusions and methods of investigation. This section describes how the problem was studied: detailed information without repeating previously published established procedures; the identification of equipment (software) and the description of materials are used, with the obligatory introduction of novelty when using materials and methods.
The scientific methodology should include:
- research question(s);
- put forward hypothesis (thesis);
- stages of the study;
- research methods;
- results of the study.
- Results and Discussion. In the Results and Discussion section, an analysis and discussion of the results of your research is provided. The conclusion is drawn on the results obtained during the research, the main essence is revealed. Moreover, this is one of the most important sections of the article. It is necessary to analyze the results of their work and discuss relevant results in comparison with previous works, analyzes and conclusions.
- Conclusion. Conclusion - summarizing the work at this stage; confirmation of the truth of the assertion made by the author, and the author's conclusion about the change in scientific knowledge, taking into account the results obtained. The conclusions should not be abstract; they should be used to summarize the results of research in a particular scientific field, with a description of proposals or opportunities for further work. The structure of the conclusion should contain the following questions: What are the aims and methods of the study? What are the results? What are the conclusions? What are the prospects and opportunities for implementing, applying the development? List of used literature, or Bibliographic list consists of not less than 10 titles for literature in the natural sciences and engineering directions and 15 titles for social and humanitarian purposes, and not less than 50% of the total number of titles in English. If there are works presented in Cyrillic in the list of literature, it is necessary to present the list of literature in two versions: first - in the original, the second - in the Romanized alphabet (transliteration).
The list of references is presented in alphabetical order and ONLY those works that are cited in the text. This section should take into account:
- Cited are the main scientific publications, advanced research methods that are applied in this field of science and on which the author's work is based.
- Avoid excessive self-citations.
- Avoid excessive references to publications by authors of the CIS / USSR, use world experience.
- The bibliographic list should contain fundamental and most relevant works published by well-known foreign authors and researchers on the topic of the article.
- References to cited works in the text of the socio-humanitarian direction are given in brackets, indicating the first author of the work, year of publication: number of page (s). For example, (Zalessky 1991: 25).
- If there are several works by the same author published in the same year in the bibliography, the letter “a”, “b”, etc. is added to the year of publication. For example, (Saduova, 2001a: 15), (Saduova, 2001b, 22).
Style of the list of references in Russian and Kazakh languages according to GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and compilation rules.
The style of registration of the Romanized list of literature, as well as sources in English (another foreign language) for social and humanitarian directions is American Psychological Association (
The list of reference submission guidelines in the style of APA
Please include by The APA style a reference list, not a bibliography from your article. The reference list consists of all sources cited in the newspaper's text, listed in alphabetical order by the author's surname.
1) Reference list includes sources used, without specifying the part of the text that was used.
2) In the center of the sheet, write - References. Do not use italics or underlines. Also, do not use quotation marks or period indications.
3) If the source used has two authors, then indicate the name of the author, the first written on the title page. According to the rules of the 2010 APA, the list can include no more than 7 names for one source. For 8 or more authors, the first 6 and the ellipsis are indicated. If the book does not have an author, then in this case the editor's name is indicated. If no author is specified, use the first word of the title to include in the list (the English version does not include "The" or "An").
4) For each source, outline the list of authors by last name and initials, separated by commas. For example: Smith, M.A.
5) After the author's name, indicate the date of publication in brackets. For example (2005).
- Enter the month using the abbreviation, except May, June or July. January for example Jan.
- Indicate the full date. Both options "4 Jan. 2007" and "Jan 4, 2007" will be correct.
6) Enter the title of the article. From the capital letter, only the first word is written, unless the title contains proper names. In the end, put a point. Do not enter the title in quotes or italic.
7) Indicate the names of the works (books or journals) in uppercase text, followed by the period. If this is a book (or any other source than the journal), you should write only the first word with a capital letter, unless there are proper names in the title, at the end, put full point. For example: How to write a bibliographic list in the style of APA. If this is a magazine, write each word with a capital letter, put a comma and specify the publication date, edition number, again comma, then the page number and the dot. For example, Arguments and Facts, 59 (4), 286-295.
8) Indicate the place of publication (region or city) and then the name of the publishing house. After put a point. For example, Boston, MA: Random House.
Book: Ellington, W., Jr., &Henrickson, E.B. (1995).The elements of dance (3rd ed.). New York: Macmillan.
Chapter of a book: Tizol, W.P. (1976). Brain function and memory. In J.M.O. Corney& H.L. Center (Eds.), An inside look at what we think we know. (pp. 154-184). Springfield, IL: American Psychiatric Press.
Journal Articles: Bauzá, R.H. (1982). Manitoba nematodes. Journal of Cool Nematodes, 10, 252-264.
Journal Articles: Pozo, E. R. (19 Nov. 2008). The way she loved me. Personal Literature, 290, 1113-1120.
Newspaper Articles: Amazing women. (12 Jan. 1955). The Journal News, pp. D11, D14.
Record of electronic articles: Tjader, J.W., Coltrane, J.A., & Taylor, A.A. (1995). A history of mockery. American Psychologist, 50, 750-765. Retrieved from PsycINFO database.
Online-magazines (printed version): Rodriguez, G., Puente, S., &Mayfield ,J. (2001). Role of upbringing in family attitudes.[Electronic version].Journal of Family Research, 5, 117-123.
Websites: Summers, M. (2007) Cool scenes.RetrievedAugust 27, 2007.
A romanized bibliography should look as follows: author (s) (transliteration - → (year in parentheses) → article title in transliterated version [translation of the article title into English in square brackets], name of the Russian-language source (transliteration, or English name - if available), and notation in English.
- Gokhberg L., Kuznetsova T. (2011) Strategiya-2020: novye kontury rossiiskoi innovatsionnoi politiki [Strategy 2020: New Outlines of Innovation Policy]. Foresight-Russia, 5, no 4, pp. 8–30.
For bibliographic references, you can also use the Mendeley Reference Manager.