Examination on the Level of Integration in the Host Society: Korean Diaspora in Vietnam
Koreans, Vietnam, migration, diaspora, integrationAbstract
Like any immigrants in any host countries, Korean diasporas face with similar issues in their efforts to acculturate and integrate into the host communities. Through different accounts of the Korean diasporas in Vietnam,China, Japan, countries of the former Soviet Union and North America, this comparative study seeks to confirm such hypotheses as whether large or small, in whichever host country they reside, or how long they have been there, Korean diasporas consistently demonstrate the same socio-demographic characteristics. These are associated with Korean immigrants’ high levels of urbanization, business and industrial engagement while preserving their Korean language, customs and traditions in their process of integration into the host cultures, which enables them to live in harmony with, and enjoy respect from, the Vietnamese society as well as other host communities.References
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2 2. Long Ngo Vinh. Ethnic pluralism, multiculturalism, and development in Vietnam// New Political Science. – 1997. – 19.no.1-2. – P. 139-152.
3 3. Henin B. Agrarian change in Vietnam’s Northern upland region // Journal of Contemporary Asia. – 2002. – 32. – no.1. – P.3-28.
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7 7. Lee Chae-Jin. China’s Korean Minority: The Politics of Ethnic Education. Boulder,CO: Westview Press, 1986.
8 8. Kan G.V. Istoriya koreytsev Kazakhstana. – Almaty: Gylym, 1995
9 9. Kim P.G. Koreytsy Uzbekistana. Istoriya i sovremennost'. – Tashkent: Uzbekiston, 1993
10 10. Lee C.S., Devos G. Koreans in Japan. Ethnic conflict and accommodation. – Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981.
11 11. Lee Kwang-kyu. Overseas Koreans. – Seoul: Jimoondang Publishing Company, 2000.
12 12. Amer, Ramses. Vietnam in 2010 // Asian Survey. – 2011. – 51, – no. 1, – P.196-201.
13 13. Thoburn J. A Review of ‘Vietnam: rising dragon’// Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy. – 2010. – 15, – no. 4. – P. 530-531.
1414 . The 2009 Population and Housing Census: Dissemination of completed census results. General Statistic office of Vietnam
http://www.gso.gov.vn/default_en.aspx?tabid=508&ItemID=9787 [Accessed 04 June 2012]
15 15. Kim G.N. Istoriya immigratsii koreytsev. Kniga 2. 1945-2000, chast' 1. – Almaty: Dayk-Press, 2000
16 16. Han, S.B. and Kwon, T.H. Chosonjok in Yanbian of China: Social Structure and Change. – Seoul: Seoul National University
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19 19. Social and economic situation, five beginning months of 2012. General Statistic office of Vietnam. http://www.gso.gov.vn/
default.aspx?tabid=622&ItemID=12446 [Accessed 07 June 2012 ]
20 20. KITRI’s Export Mission to Vietnam and Indonesia Proven Successful. Korea IT News. http://english.etnews.com/electronics/
2533136_1303.html [Accessed 07 June 2012 ]
21 21. Lee K.K. The Transformation of Korean Chinese Ethic Identity //Korean Diaspora in China: Ethnicity, Identity and Change, Korean and Korean American Studies Bulletin. – 2001, – 12. – no.1. – P. 61-75.
22 22. Paik W. and Ham M. From Autonomous Areas to Non-Autonomous Areas: The Politics of Korean Minority Migration in
Contemporary China // Modern China, – 2012. – 38, – no.1. – P. 110–33
23 23. Yoon In-Jin. Migration and the Korean Diaspora A Comparative Description of Five Cases // Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies . – 2012. – 38. – no.3. – P. 413-35.
24 24. Ho Chung Jae. Between Ally and Partner: Korea-China Relations and the United States. New York: Columbia University
Press, 2007.
25 25. Kim Eun Mee and Mah Jai S. Patterns of South Korean’s foreign direct investment flows into China //Asian Survey . – 2006.
– 56. – no. 6. – P. 88-197.
26 26. Kim Si Joong. The Economic Status and Role of Ethnic Koreans in China // The Korean Diaspora in the World Economy,
ed. C.Fred Bergsten and Inbom Choi. Washington: Institute for International Economics, 2003. – P.101-27
27 27. Yu Eui-Young, Choe P. and Han Sang Il. Korean Population in the United States, 2000. Demographic Characteristics and
Socio-Economic Status // International Journal of Korean Studies . – 2002. – 6. – no.1. – P. 71-107.
28 28. Min P. G. Korean Immigrant Entrepreneurship: A Multivariate Analysis // Journal of Urban Affairs. – 1988. – 10. – no.2. – P.197-212.
29 29. Kim G.N. Sotsial'no-kul'turnoye razvitiye koreytsev Kazakhstana. – Alma-Ata: Nauka, 1989. – 60 s.
30 30. Kim G. Ethnic Entrepreneurship among Koreans in the Soviet Union and the modern Central Asia. The Research Project
granted by Asia Forum of POSCO TJ Park Foundation (Agreement № 080324 between POSCO TJ Park Foundation and Kazakh National
University, April 7, 2008 // http://www.postf.org/eng/others/pds_a_list.jsp. [Acceded 09 Mach 2012].
31 31. Kim B. Bringing Class Back In: The Changing Basis of Inequality and the Korean Minority in Japan // Ethnic and Racial
Studies . – 2008. – 31. – no. 5. – P. 871–898.
32 32. Aldrich H. E. and Waldinger R. Ethnicity and Entrepreneurship // Annual Review of Sociology. – 1990. –16. – P. 111-35.
How to Cite
Yem, N. B. (2016). Examination on the Level of Integration in the Host Society: Korean Diaspora in Vietnam. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 1(2). Retrieved from https://jhumansoc-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eurasian/article/view/18