Korean Soft Power and National Image of South Korea in Kazakhstan


  • Kudaibergenova R R al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Beisyenbayeva A. A. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        53 38


Abstract. To date, the structure of the foreign policy has been undergoing big changes, and sometimes culture, education, ideology, values become more effective tool for influencing one country to another. Globalization, the rapid development of information technology and the ever-changing nature of the political situation in the international arena are pushing the world in the new environment, where no place for the old forms of diplomacy. South Korea demonstrates us an example of successful development of soft power, which can be called a forced, taking into account the speed of the spread and impact of the efforts made by the Government. The states of Central Asia, and Kazakhstan in particular, remain the focus of the foreign policy of South Korea since independence. Implementation of soft-power strategy of South Korea in Kazakhstan requires further study. However, in this paper on the basis of primary sources we analyzed the efficiency of South Korean soft instruments of influence, as well as how Soft power affects the creation of a national image.


How to Cite

R, K. R., & A., B. A. (2019). Korean Soft Power and National Image of South Korea in Kazakhstan. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 2(3), 42–46. Retrieved from https://jhumansoc-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eurasian/article/view/206