The Report of the Working Party on the Accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the WTO: The Main Agricultural Policy Provisions


  • *Umirzakova A. D. al-farabi Kazakh National Univerity
  • Aidarbayev S. Zh. al-farabi Kazakh National Univerity
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Abstract. This article provides legal analysis of provisions of the Report of the Working party on the accession of the
Republic of Kazakhstan to the World Trade Organization in the part concerning subsidizing of agriculture. Authors
determine primary obligations in the field of agriculture accepted by Kazakhstan in view of joining the World Trade
Organization. In particular, special attention in the article is paid to research of content of the subsections «Imports»,
«Exports» and «Internal policies» which provide reducing the volume of aggregate measures of agriculture support,
prohibition of all forms of subsidizing connected with export and import substitution, increase of the size of tariff rate
quotas on certain types of meat and also other obligations, accepted by the country. Authors also note that reducing
the volume of «amber box» aggregate measures of support will be filled with proportional increase of share of «green
box» support measures in a total amount of financing of agriculture sector. At the same time the main emphasis will be
placed on measures supporting long-term competitiveness of sector.
Key words: World Trade Organization, export subsidies, agriculture, import, export, tariff rate quota.


How to Cite

D., *Umirzakova A., & Zh., A. S. (2019). The Report of the Working Party on the Accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the WTO: The Main Agricultural Policy Provisions. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 2(3), 24–29. Retrieved from