Character of a Russian Translation of Poem “Winter” (“Kys”) by Abai


  • Mussaly L. A. al-farabi Kazakh National Univerity
        101 27


Abstract. The article deals with the history, practice and character of a Russian translation of poem “Winter” (“Kys”)
by Abai. The Russian-speaking readers may be limited in understanding the key inner thought of this poem, since the
translators themselves did not fully “see into” what the original meant to say. They simply translated the poem wordfor-
word, and only carried across a certain part of its meaning. Simply by looking at them, we can see an absolute
disconnect between the meaning of the original and the translations.
Keywords: winter, blind, literary interconnections, original, nature, fiction.


How to Cite

A., M. L. (2019). Character of a Russian Translation of Poem “Winter” (“Kys”) by Abai. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 2(3), 48–50. Retrieved from