Effectiveness of Oral Speech Corpora in Language Teaching and Learning (On the Basis of Kazakh Speech Synthesizer)


  • Karagoishiyeva D. A. al-farabi Kazakh National Univerity
  • Ospankulova Sh. A. al-farabi Kazakh National Univerity
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Abstract. The article is devoted to characterizing the first steps took in development of speech synthesizers in the
Kazakh language and to defining benefits of using a speech synthesizer in the language teaching and learning process.
The main aim of the article is to describe and to analyze the difficulties that developers faced in the process of inventing
a speech synthesizer which produces speech in the Kazakh language. Authors try to define the notion of speech
synthesizer in general and to show the stages in creating a speech synthesizer and some specific peculiarities of the
Kazakh language developers should pay attention to. In addition the article gives the list of the most widespread speech
synthesizers and analyzes their productivity.
Keywords: Speech synthesizer, reduction, sound, diphthongoid, utterance, synchronize.


How to Cite

A., K. D., & A., O. S. (2019). Effectiveness of Oral Speech Corpora in Language Teaching and Learning (On the Basis of Kazakh Speech Synthesizer). Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 2(3), 48–50. Retrieved from https://jhumansoc-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eurasian/article/view/228