Ethnopolitical Themes in Marginal Media of Central Asia


  • G. Mukanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        57 52


Central Asia, diplomacy, media, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Chinese Foreign Ministry, «Alash», power, identity and nation


The community of political history and media culture of Central Asia in the twentieth century – a topic poorly developed by researchers. The reasons are the closeness of some aspects of the topic in the Soviet period. Meanwhile, in the pages of regional and metropolitan media are a reflection of issues of national and cultural identity. The author analyzes the methods of political journalism, ways of presenting the theme of national identity in the international media. Periodical Press is a passive source of information on the work of state bodies and diplomatic missions, allowing inform readers about political change. The paper presents new evidence on the publishing activity leaders of «Alash», based on the translation of an article in the media with the Arabic script, and comparative analysis of the periodical press on the «Kazakh» theme.


1 1. «Bostandyq Tuy». – 22 March 1924. – № 1(185). – P.2. (In Kazakh)
2 2. Zhazheke /Zhumabaev Magzhan/. «Ekiden bir» // «Bostandyq Tuy» (Omsk). – April 3, 1921. – № 2. – P.1. (In Kazakh)
3 3. Zhazheke /Zhumabaev Magzhan/. Ugilmai zhurgen maseleler ishinde aiel maselesi // «Kedei sozi» (Omsk). – № 4 (38), 22
February 1920. – P. 2. – 3. (In Kazakh). Stored in: Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts, National Library of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, Almaty.
4 4. Alpatov V.M. Putechestvija Polivanova // Vostochaia kollekcia. Rossijskaia gosudarstvennaja biblioteka. – 2002. – № 4. –P. 106-113. (In Russian)
5 5. Kara Kirghiz. Istoricheskaja spravka (iz istorii kara-kirgiz) // «Turkestanskaja pravda». – Tachkent, 13 October 1924. –№ 228. (In Russian)
6 6 . Mukanova G.K. Emigratcia kazahov v Sintzan v poslednie godi XIX – nachale XX veka // Intern. Conf. «Rossia i Vostok:problemi vzaimodeistvia». – Moscow,1993. – P. 155-162. (In Russian)
7 7. Nauka i prosveshenie // «Turkestanskaja pravda». – 30 August 1922.- №30 (186). – P. 5. (In Russian)


How to Cite

Mukanova, G. (2016). Ethnopolitical Themes in Marginal Media of Central Asia. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 1(2). Retrieved from