Regulation of Natural Monopolies in Kazakhstan


  • Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri, al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Myltykbayeva A. T. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Sopbekova N. E. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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Abstract. The paper aims to describe and to evaluate a mechanism of regulation of natural monopolies and tariff
regulation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Acknowledgement of the role of natural monopolies in the modern world has generated a large number of theoretical
and applied researches. The nature of the regulation of natural monopolies and its role in competitive advantages
formation are the subject under consideration in Totev (1995), Kudinov (2003), Butyrkin (2003), Gorodeckiy, Pavlenko
(2000), Dzhaksybekova (1999), Sagiyeva R.K.studied natural monopolies and their regulation processes at national
and regional levels. The existence of a natural monopoly is justified by the fact that they give a huge economic benefit
from large economies of scale.A monopoly is a business or organization that maintains exclusivity of the supply of a
particular product or service, and can evolve naturally or be designed specifically based on the nature of a particular
market or industry(The Linux Information Project).


How to Cite

Potluri, R. M., T., M. A., & E., S. N. (2019). Regulation of Natural Monopolies in Kazakhstan. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 31–33. Retrieved from