Kazakhs in the Regional System of Governance in the Second Half of the 19 th Century


  • Sultangalieva G. A al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        15 24


Abstract. Stuff of regional and district administrations included senior andjunior officials for special assignments.
Kazakhs representatives had the right to hold posts of junior officials for special assignments. The principle of cooptation
of the Kazakhs for the position, the issue of the social security (salary, pension, awards, etc.) of junior officials
for special assignments and their educational level, functional responsibilities and activities were all that practically
have not been studied. The paper is based on documentary materials extracted from the Central State Archive of the
Republic of Kazakhstan. On this basis, the study raises not only the issue of a new stratum of personalities in the new
history of Kazakhstan, but also poses new challenges of a comparative study of imperial administration practices in the
regions of multinational Empire.


How to Cite

A, S. G. (2019). Kazakhs in the Regional System of Governance in the Second Half of the 19 th Century. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 54–58. Retrieved from https://jhumansoc-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eurasian/article/view/277