
  • Sarbayeva R. E. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Barlybayeva S. Kh. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Brown M. A al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        20 31


Abstract. Dialogue and mutual enrichment of civilizations, countries, regions by means of international contacts and cooperation are detrimental conditions for the harmonious development of the world. The coexistence of world and national communication systems can be designated as a two-sided process of internationalization, on the one hand, and localization, on the other, affecting each other. The Eurasian integration started to be discussed in the nineteenth century. Prominent figures of that period formed the idea of Eurasianism. Only a century later in the 21st century this idea manifested itself in the form of a large-scale unification, a state project, a scientific concept. The concept of Eurasianism is multifaceted. It includes a whole range of ideas, trends, directions. Both concepts of “Eurasianism” and “Eurasia” are historical, civilizational and geopolitical ones. The integration process in the format of the Eurasian Economic Union is an integral part of the global unification in the post-Soviet space. This factor was influenced by many constituents: cultural, regional, linguistic, as well as by former cooperation of countries. The dynamic process of creation and establishment of regional economic entities in the modern world, involving many countries, reflects progressive trends and reveals certain problems in the development of integration processes. Today, there are a number of priority areas that need to be developed within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. The creation of a unified information and scientific potential of the member-states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) remains an important task. Taking into account the interests of other countries, the unification should create a single information field, which would position it at a qualitatively new level.


How to Cite

E., S. R., Kh., B. S., & A, B. M. (2019). COMMUNICATION VECTOR OF EURASIAN INTEGRATION. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 14–22. Retrieved from