
  • Sairambaeva Zh. A al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Otarbaeva A. A al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Wang Hong Wei al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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Abstract. The interest in the Great Silk Road renewed at the end of the XXth century to XXIth century. There are
two reasons to that, firstly, there were projects of the UN and the USA with the aim of reconstruction of caravan paths,
secondly, the mega project «The economic belt of the Silk Road» was offered by the President of the Republic of China.
The project of the President of China Xi Jinping must be unrepeatable and unique, also, it must make an indelible mark
in history and there had never been such a project, based on interconnection. The «Silk Road» is a «brand» of the 21t
century, uniting nations, strengthening solidarity, strengthening the economy, providing trade in freedom, bringing
together what seems unattainable. Many historically established states located on the continent of Eurasia are interested
in this project. The strategic role of the «Silk Road» is very important for the Republic of Kazakhstan. The «Silk Road»
project is being implemented and maintained in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the strategic role of the project is very
important for Kazakhstan. This project not only has every impact on the development of the economy, culture, transport
and logistics, tourism, but also makes a personal contribution to the development of international relations of the project
«One Belt, One Road» jointly with other participating countries.
The goal of research work is to show a tactic significance of «The Silk Road» for the Republic of Kazakhstan and
introduce with events planned for the future.
During the work the method of John Stuart Mill was used with the aim of showing the future power and historical
significance of ancient and new Silk Road.
By realization of project «The economic belt of the Silk Road » the flow of goods sending via Kazakhstan will
be improved, also, the sphere of investments will be expanded to strengthen the relationships of states of Central Asia.
Kazakhstan, located on the territory of the Silk Road, can become a transitory host with oil-gas pipes.


How to Cite

A, S. Z., A, O. A., & Wei, W. H. (2019). STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF THE “NEW SILK ROAD” PROJECT FOR THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 23–30. Retrieved from