Spiritual and Mental Processes in Kazakhstan in the Context of the Conception of Culture Dialogue and Generation


  • Tarasti Eero A al-farabi Kazakh National university
  • Gabitov T. A al-farabi Kazakh National university
  • Saparova D. A. al-farabi Kazakh National university
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The aim of the article is cultural and philosophical analysis of mental Kazakhs types in the context of the
dialogue of cultures.Kazakhstan needs a new national idea and new identification of mentality. Today, therefore,the
Kazakhnational, not nationalist, idea, having fulfilled itshistoric mission,must be transformed intocommon Kazakh,
Eurasian idea that willbe universal andis dialogicin nature. The basic principle of the national idea of Kazakhstan
should be the idea of the dialogue of cultures and dialogue of generation. Dialogue – the cornerstone of all human
relationships. The idea of dialogue is the idea of the meeting of two different minds, two different cultural worlds;
each of them has its unique,to him the only “prepared” place. As a form of self-awareness of their cultural identity,
the national idea is different from similar concepts as mentality, national spirit and character. National mentality as a
sacred system of spiritual and philosophical principles does not set on fixing the cultural and mental characteristics of
the nation. The above-mentioned concepts can be combined in the term “ecology” of culture and its archetype. Mental
features of the Kazakh culture are described in depth (as researchers have long noted, the mentality better describe than
to define, because it is more is virtual) in the works of Kazakh writers who are source materials of this article.The article
used as a general philosophical methods (ascent from the abstract to the concrete, structural and functional analysis,
the unity of historical and logical, etc.) and modern methodology of cultural anthropology (Comparative, typological
analysis, methods of field research, case analysis, etc.).

Author Biographies

Tarasti Eero A, al-farabi Kazakh National university

The aim of the article is cultural and philosophical analysis of mental Kazakhs types in the context of the
dialogue of cultures.Kazakhstan needs a new national idea and new identification of mentality. Today, therefore,the
Kazakhnational, not nationalist, idea, having fulfilled itshistoric mission,must be transformed intocommon Kazakh,
Eurasian idea that willbe universal andis dialogicin nature. The basic principle of the national idea of Kazakhstan
should be the idea of the dialogue of cultures and dialogue of generation. Dialogue – the cornerstone of all human
relationships. The idea of dialogue is the idea of the meeting of two different minds, two different cultural worlds;
each of them has its unique,to him the only “prepared” place. As a form of self-awareness of their cultural identity,
the national idea is different from similar concepts as mentality, national spirit and character. National mentality as a
sacred system of spiritual and philosophical principles does not set on fixing the cultural and mental characteristics of
the nation. The above-mentioned concepts can be combined in the term “ecology” of culture and its archetype. Mental
features of the Kazakh culture are described in depth (as researchers have long noted, the mentality better describe than
to define, because it is more is virtual) in the works of Kazakh writers who are source materials of this article.The article
used as a general philosophical methods (ascent from the abstract to the concrete, structural and functional analysis,
the unity of historical and logical, etc.) and modern methodology of cultural anthropology (Comparative, typological
analysis, methods of field research, case analysis, etc.).

Saparova D. A., al-farabi Kazakh National university

The aim of the article is cultural and philosophical analysis of mental Kazakhs types in the context of the
dialogue of cultures.Kazakhstan needs a new national idea and new identification of mentality. Today, therefore,the
Kazakhnational, not nationalist, idea, having fulfilled itshistoric mission,must be transformed intocommon Kazakh,
Eurasian idea that willbe universal andis dialogicin nature. The basic principle of the national idea of Kazakhstan
should be the idea of the dialogue of cultures and dialogue of generation. Dialogue – the cornerstone of all human
relationships. The idea of dialogue is the idea of the meeting of two different minds, two different cultural worlds;
each of them has its unique,to him the only “prepared” place. As a form of self-awareness of their cultural identity,
the national idea is different from similar concepts as mentality, national spirit and character. National mentality as a
sacred system of spiritual and philosophical principles does not set on fixing the cultural and mental characteristics of
the nation. The above-mentioned concepts can be combined in the term “ecology” of culture and its archetype. Mental
features of the Kazakh culture are described in depth (as researchers have long noted, the mentality better describe than
to define, because it is more is virtual) in the works of Kazakh writers who are source materials of this article.The article
used as a general philosophical methods (ascent from the abstract to the concrete, structural and functional analysis,
the unity of historical and logical, etc.) and modern methodology of cultural anthropology (Comparative, typological
analysis, methods of field research, case analysis, etc.).


How to Cite

A, T. E., A, G. T., & A., S. D. (2019). Spiritual and Mental Processes in Kazakhstan in the Context of the Conception of Culture Dialogue and Generation. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 3(4), 27–37. Retrieved from https://jhumansoc-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eurasian/article/view/292