Analysis and Measuring Performance of the International Transport Corridor Project «West Europe-West China» in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Propose Ways for Its Development


  • Mukhtаrovа K. S. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Pilipenko A. I. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Madenova M. A al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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Abstract. The paper aims measuring performance of the project of international transport corridor «West Europe-West
China» in the Republic of Kazakhstan and propose ways for its development.
Recognition of the role of international transport corridors (ITC) in the modern world has generated a large number of
theoretical and applied researches.
The nature of ITC, projects of their creation and their role in competitive advantages formation are the subject under
consideration in works of commissions in different countries all over the world.
The competitiveness of the economy and the state, in the context of globalization, given the vastness of the territory of
Kazakhstan, will largely depend on the efficient operation of transport and communication complex.


How to Cite

S., M. K., I., P. A., & A, M. M. (2019). Analysis and Measuring Performance of the International Transport Corridor Project «West Europe-West China» in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Propose Ways for Its Development. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 13–17. Retrieved from