Problems of Harmonization of the Legislation of Kazakhstan and China - Participants of Strategy «A Silk Way»


  • Guiguo Wang A al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Baideldinov D. L. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Bekturova A. F al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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Abstract. Given article is devoted to the problems of unification of the legislation of Kazakhstan and China on the
question of transnational transaction of products and services. Also analyzing main conditions of Kazakh-Chinese
relations and their legal regulation is conducted. As a foundation of given relations are taken conditions of the
realization of the strategy «One Belt and One Road». As a feature of the development of Kazakh-Chinese relations,
their realization in the frames of Eurasian Economic Community is discussed. Authors analyze activity of this EEC,
customs and emigrational policy, economic relations. In addition, they set down possibilities of realization of the given
scheme in the frames of strategy «One Belt and One Road».

Author Biography

Guiguo Wang A, al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Abstract. Given article is devoted to the problems of unification of the legislation of Kazakhstan and China on the
question of transnational transaction of products and services. Also analyzing main conditions of Kazakh-Chinese
relations and their legal regulation is conducted. As a foundation of given relations are taken conditions of the
realization of the strategy «One Belt and One Road». As a feature of the development of Kazakh-Chinese relations,
their realization in the frames of Eurasian Economic Community is discussed. Authors analyze activity of this EEC,
customs and emigrational policy, economic relations. In addition, they set down possibilities of realization of the given
scheme in the frames of strategy «One Belt and One Road».


How to Cite

A, G. W., L., B. D., & F, B. A. (2019). Problems of Harmonization of the Legislation of Kazakhstan and China - Participants of Strategy «A Silk Way». Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 35–40. Retrieved from