Mīrzā Muhammad Haidar Dughlat and His «Tārīkh-i-Rashīdī» as a Source For the History of the Kazakh Khanate


  • Iskakova Z. Ye. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        33 95


The paper contains information about the life and activity of Mīrzā Muhammad Haidar Dughlat – a medieval
Kashmir ruler of Turkic origin. His work «Tārīkh-i-Rashīdī» bears special value as a reliable source on the history of
Kazakh people. «Tārīkh-i-Rashīdī» describes the processes of formation of Turkic peoples: Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek
and Uighur, and gives data on the time of establishment of Kazakh Khanate.


How to Cite

Ye., I. Z. (2019). Mīrzā Muhammad Haidar Dughlat and His «Tārīkh-i-Rashīdī» as a Source For the History of the Kazakh Khanate. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 65–69. Retrieved from https://jhumansoc-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eurasian/article/view/307