World economic growth: trends, country factors, social progress


  • Jumambayev S. K. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Mukhtarova K. S., al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Mouly Potluri Rajasekhara al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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Abstract. The state and prospects of world economy are analyzed. Country factors, effecting on the GDP
figures and changes of GDP in the trend were revealed. World economic problems, expressed in dynamic`s
decline, started to appear in the pre-crisis period. Despite the lower rates of economic growth than previously
in the developed countries, world economy has positive dynamics due to large fast-growing economy. In this
connection, it was important to do the analysis and forecast of the impact of individual countries on world
economic growth, on the one hand, and the impact of fast-growing economy on social progress in their own

Author Biography

Mukhtarova K. S.,, al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Abstract. The state and prospects of world economy are analyzed. Country factors, effecting on the GDP
figures and changes of GDP in the trend were revealed. World economic problems, expressed in dynamic`s
decline, started to appear in the pre-crisis period. Despite the lower rates of economic growth than previously
in the developed countries, world economy has positive dynamics due to large fast-growing economy. In this
connection, it was important to do the analysis and forecast of the impact of individual countries on world
economic growth, on the one hand, and the impact of fast-growing economy on social progress in their own


How to Cite

K., J. S., S., M. K., & Rajasekhara, M. P. (2019). World economic growth: trends, country factors, social progress. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1-2), 17–22. Retrieved from