Class of judicial environmental assessments: concept, system


  • Tapalova R. B. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Repetskaya A. L. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Shopabayev B. A. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Satybaldinov D. D. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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Abstract. In this project the judicial expertise appointed at investigation of offenses in the sphere of ecology. Those
expertise which are ranked as ecological are allocated. In criminalist literature of environmental assessments has
different views on classification. Differences of judicial environmental assessments from other expertise are shown.
Authors offer the own system of environmental assessments. The kind, types of expertise which enter a class of
environmental assessments are noted. The short characteristic of objects of each class of judicial environmental
assessments is given.

Author Biographies

Repetskaya A. L., al-Farabi Kazakh National University

In this project the judicial expertise appointed at investigation of offenses in the sphere of ecology. Those
expertise which are ranked as ecological are allocated. In criminalist literature of environmental assessments has
different views on classification. Differences of judicial environmental assessments from other expertise are shown.
Authors offer the own system of environmental assessments. The kind, types of expertise which enter a class of
environmental assessments are noted. The short characteristic of objects of each class of judicial environmental
assessments is given.

Satybaldinov D. D., al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Abstract. In this project the judicial expertise appointed at investigation of offenses in the sphere of ecology. Those
expertise which are ranked as ecological are allocated. In criminalist literature of environmental assessments has
different views on classification. Differences of judicial environmental assessments from other expertise are shown.
Authors offer the own system of environmental assessments. The kind, types of expertise which enter a class of
environmental assessments are noted. The short characteristic of objects of each class of judicial environmental
assessments is given.


How to Cite

B., T. R., L., R. A., A., S. B., & D., S. D. (2019). Class of judicial environmental assessments: concept, system. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1-2), 50–54. Retrieved from