About the problems of teaching information and communication technologies in the conditions of information society


  • Turumbetova L. A. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Tyulepberdinova G. A. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Issabayeva S. N. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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Abstract. This article focuses on the education problems in Kazakhstan. The processes of informatization
of society in the second half of the XX century and its continuation in the XXI century, transformation of
information and knowledge have led to the emergence of the information society, characterized by a high level
of information intensity in the everyday life of most citizens; by the use of technology for a wide range of
personal, social, educational and business activities, by rapid transition and exchange of digital data between
places irrespective of distance. The information age and the networked world are forcing educators to rethink
the educational experience. Modern society requires new approaches to training specialists on a global level.
Graduates of the university should not only have good knowledge of their field, have competencies that are
formed by professional skills, but speak in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English at the professional
level. Kazakhstan education system must be able not only to give knowledge, but also, due to the huge flow of
new information, be aimed at continuous self-education, self-mastery of the information. The authors point out
the importance of the subject «Information and communication technologies» which must be taught in English
since 2016 as a compulsory subject in the curriculum of higher education institutions. In this regard, there is a
sharp demand for specialists in the field of Computer science. The authors consider that these specialists must
be professionally trilingual.


How to Cite

A., T. L., A., T. G., & N., I. S. (2019). About the problems of teaching information and communication technologies in the conditions of information society. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1-2), 74–78. Retrieved from https://jhumansoc-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eurasian/article/view/339