Information and communication technologies: foreign experience and national model


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The 21st century is characterized by the formation of an “intellectual nation” as a new direction of modernization of modern society; at the same time, the intellectual personality acts as a factor of socio-economic development. The most important task for Kazakhstan is the implementation of the Strategic Objective, where an important area is complete modernization in the socio-economic sphere. This task is also typical for a number of developing countries of the world, where the key aspect in the modernization of society is the creation of new innovative institutions to rethink and recreate the modern socio-economic formation. Modernization extends to areas such as intellectual work associated with the new division of labor; as a scientific and cultural sphere related to the knowledge economy and the new information society. Science is faced with a new task to solve the problem of forming an intellectual society, which implies the need for active interdisciplinary research, the integration of socio-humanitarian and socio-political sciences. Kazakhstan, like other developing countries, is faced with the strategic task of becoming a society of the future, in which the basis of the new economy is intellectual potential, a highly competitive system of higher education and an innovatively advanced socio-cultural infrastructure. At the present stage of development of the socio-economic formation, higher education successfully corresponds with the economic sector, and human resources are the main value that makes an innovative contribution to the creation of new products in industry, science, culture and other sectors of the economy and social sphere. In this regard, an important mission of higher education in Kazakhstan is to train highly competitive, innovatively advanced specialists who are able to think creatively and work as highly professional personnel of Kazakhstani society. Key words: intellectual nation, mass media, informational development, intellectual society, partners.



How to Cite

Yanchuk, V. A. (2020). Information and communication technologies: foreign experience and national model. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 3–9.