The Kazakhs in the National Structure of the Population of Kazakhstan on the Results of All-Union Population Census of 1939


  • Z Assylbekova Zh. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        73 79


population of Kazakhstan, specific weight, migration, census,


The All-Union census of 1939 disclosed a number of both positive and negative consequences of the Soviet policy on accelerated industrialization and perforce collectivization of agriculture in the country. These consequences were primarily reflected on the number of population of Kazakhstan, which increased only to 1,3 % compared with 1926, that is, during more than 12 years (from 6073979 people to 6151102 people, viz., for 77,1 thousand people). Constant decrease of specific weight of the Kazakhs because of migration inflow of the Russians, the Belarusians, the Ukrainians, and representatives of other nationaliti es outside, started at times of accession of Kazakhstan to Russia and, particularly, during the first decades of the Soviet power, as well as low natural growth. The whole union census of 1939 confirmed the tendency of strengthening of the multiethnic composition of Kazakhstan’s population; the demographic data of epresentatives of more than 50 nationalities were taken into consideration. This process continued in the following years.


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How to Cite

Assylbekova Zh., Z. (2016). The Kazakhs in the National Structure of the Population of Kazakhstan on the Results of All-Union Population Census of 1939. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from