
  • Joshua Castellino A al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Mynbatyrova N. K. al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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Abstract. The article is consider problem of current corruption and how to deal with it is discussed. At the same
time, modern peculiarities of the legal awareness of anti-corruption law are analyzed and studied. The author of the
article also pays special attention to the development of legal awareness. The results and conclusions reached by the
author can be used to ensure the state policy, increase the legal awareness of the society, and encourage the legal
education of the society. Corruption in all its manifestations represents a serious threat to the national security of
any state, has a destabilizing effect on all areas of society and the individual. The key to successfully countering its
manifestations is not only the effective operation of state institutions in this area, but also a clear understanding by every
citizen of corruption as an absolutely unacceptable social phenomenon.
Corruption is a large-scale problem of our time. No state, regardless of its socio-economic and political structure,
has absolute immunity to corruption. Today we are talking about the fight against corruption, its development and
structure, the world outlook of citizens, and the whole economy.
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Leader of the Nation Nazarbayev N.A. underlines in his annual
Address to the people of Kazakhstan the importance of anti-corruption. Anti-corruption has become one of the priority
directions of Kazakhstan’s legal reform. At this point, corruption issues are frequently heard in the media and public
speeches. Different ways and methods of combating corruption are being developed.


How to Cite

A, J. C., & K., M. N. (2019). PROBLEMS OF FORMATION ANTICORRUPTION LEGAL AWARENESS. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 38–47.