The perspective of US foreign policy rebooting towards South America and Central Asia


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In this article we analyze the US-Latin American and US- Central Asian relations in terms of policy reorientation within the contemporary foreign policy analyses (FPA), evoking the conceptual and normative appeal, as they determine an unconventional approach to FPA onto Latin America Central Asia and the US.

We research the cycle of US foreign policy towards Latin America and Central Asia with the accent on sheer policy comparison of US-Latin American and Central Asian leaders, their decision-making and implementation mechanisms.

In accordance with the methodology, by replacing the deductivism into the inductivism, this approach allow us to research more rigorous comparative policies of the US foreign policies starting from the Cold War till present days and US foreign policy starting from the collapse of USSR. Connecting with the studies of foreign policy and international relations, we examine how Latin American leaders and Central Asian made vigorous impact onto the US foreign policy that gradually influenced the US behavior and changed the hemispheric relations and polarity.

Key words: US-Latin American and US-Central Asian foreign policy, USSR, CIS, Eurasia, Central Asia, NAFTA, OAS, Eurasian Economic Union, Monroe Doctrine, BRICS, good neighbor policy.


How to Cite

Kulumzhanova, A. M., & Ospanova, A. N. (2021). The perspective of US foreign policy rebooting towards South America and Central Asia. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3), 25–37.