Social aspects of increasing environmental efficiency in Kazakhstan cities


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Within the framework of the environmental efficiency system, the authors consider such topical social factors for increasing environmental efficiency in Kazakhstan as the quality of environmental education, motivational mechanisms for regulating the problems of sorting secondary raw materials. It is noted that work with the population is becoming colossal in solving environmental problems. The foundations of the urban system and social management in the field of environmental development testify to the serious problem of waste recycling and disposal in Kazakhstan. The authors highlight several eco-projects that help to solve these issues, such as Kazakhstan Waste Recycle, Tazalyk and SMEs that accept recyclable materials, but the figures for unrefined waste in Kazakhstan indicate that the problem is systemic and alarming. As a solution, in addition to the applicable penalties, the authors propose the launch of multi-vector motivational programs integrated into the everyday life of citizens. Such programs are designed to be informative, educational in nature in addition to motivational; they must be scaled up and involve business representatives widely used in the fast moving consumer goods market. It is recommended to give these programs an image republican character to create resonant recognition and use. The paper analyzes the awareness, involvement of the local population in the issues of environmental recycling and waste disposal based on an online survey, and presents a consolidated program for motivating the population. The authors consider the prerequisites for the implementation of these programs, their main characteristics, goals and performance indicators.

Key words: waste sorting, waste recycle, green economy, motivation program, ecology.


How to Cite

Balgabayeva, Z. B., & Medukhanova, L. A. (2021). Social aspects of increasing environmental efficiency in Kazakhstan cities. Farabi Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3), 18–24.